Deprecated APIs:
v3+/Usage/Rate/Plan/Package/Service/History (Get)
Report/Storage (Get, Put, Delete)
Report/Storage/Paged (Get)
Report/Storage/{id} (Get)
Report/Storage/identityOnly (Get)
Updated APIs:
Improved performance when creating a large volume of account services by API
Extended the DataImport/Usage API so that usage data can be supplied in JSON format
v7/Account/{id}/Detail (Get): added property properties AccountSummary and AccountPriceBookRegions
v7/Account/{id} (Patch attach/detach): added property AccountPriceBookRegions
/v7/InvoiceItem (Get, Post, Put, Patch): removed property ‘isTaxExempt’
/v7/Package/Frequency (Get, Post, Put, Patch):
Added properties to pricePlans details: priceBookId, generalLedgerId, serviceTaxCategoryId
Added property to currencies details: priceBookId
Added property: currentRatePlan
/v7/PackageFrequencyPackageCurrency (Get): Added property PriceBookId. Defaults to Standard PriceBook (value 1)
/v7/Order (Post): Added properties to orderPackages: useBulkQuantity
v7/Account/Package (???Get, Post, Put, Patch): Added property PriceBookId. Defaults to Standard PriceBook (value 1)
???v7/Account/ProductCode/AvailableFor/Account/{id} (Get): Added property PriceBookId
DailyUsageSummary/ByAccountService/Paged (Get): The AccountServiceTemporalId property now returns 0 for api v4 to v6 and the property was moved removed in v7 ??? moved meaning what? removed?
v7/Package/Service/PricePlan (Post): Added property PriceBookId. This property defaults to the standard PriceBook (value 1) for v6 and all previous API versions
Package/{id}/Detail (Get): no longer returns PricePlans and Pricing
RatePlan (Get, Post, Put, Patch): removed amountPrecision property from api version 4 and higher
New APIs:
v7/PriceBook (Get, Post, Put, Patch)
v7/PriceBook/Region (Get, Post, Put, Patch)
v7/ApplicationVersion (Get): returns the application version
v7/Administration/User (Get, Post, Patch): allows the creation and modification of system users
v7/Schedule/BillRun (Post): creates a one time bill run that can be scheduled to run immediately or with a future start time
v7/CustomDataSource/{id} (Get): retrieves a JSON response from a custom SQL View