Deprecated APIs:
Updated APIs:
v6/Invoice/Item (Get, Post, Put): Added properties Quantity and Price
v6/Invoice/Paged/Detail (Get): Added properties Quantity and Price
v6/Invoice/Paged/<Id>/Detail (Get): Added properties Quantity and Price
v6/Invoice/Item/Credit (Post): Added properties Quantity and Price
Added a trackingId for data import batches for tracking purposes. The ID is returned when calling the DataImport/Usage API
Fixed an issue where updating an account address using Account/{id} patch would fail if the state code supplied matched an existing state code in another country
New APIs:
v6/Invoice/Item/TaxAdjustment (Post):
v6/Invoice/Item/TaxAdjustment/{id} (Patch):
For additional API documentation please see the API Reference documentation on logisense.com.