Info |
Account Contacts are viewed in Account / Communication / Contacts |
The Contacts panel towards the left of this screen allows you to select existing contacts on the account in order to view or edit the contact details in the Edit Contact panel (shown when a contact is selected). Actions are also available in this panel which are shown as icons above the Filter text box. The available actions are described below.
Icon | Description |
Deletes the selected contact | |
Adds a new contact |
Edit Contact Panel
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected contact. From here you can change contact details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
Use Company Address: use the address of the company selected in the 'Company' field
Country: the country that the contact resides in
Address 1: the address of the contact
Address 2: secondary address information (floor number, room number)
City: the city that the contact resides in
State/Province: the state or province that the contact resides in
Zip Code: the postal/zip code for the address
Tax Jurisdiction Code: this field will only appear when AvaTax is configured and functional. The This code is automatically determined by AvaTax in systems configured to tax using AvaTax. It is based on the saved contact address entered and is used to determine what taxes to apply to service charges on the account. Jurisdiction codes are only evaluated on service or billing contacts, tax jurisdiction codes on other contact types are not used when determining taxes. As of LogiSense Billing version 10.3.3 this value can be manually overridden so that taxes for an alternate jurisdiction can be applied to transactions if needed (for instance, taxes applicable at a contact's previous address could be applied to a credit). If this value is manually overridden the previous tax jurisdiction code will be listed within the Tax Jurisdiction Code field to let you know what the last jurisdiction code was set to. Manually entered jurisdiction codes will be automatically updated if a new address is entered and saved on the contact
Info tab
Select Info to Add: allows you to add new contact details (cell number, email address, etc.)