Ability to Change the Account Bill Day
Added the ability to change an account’s Bill Day and Usage Bill Day when the account has account packages added to it
Once the bill day is changed the current billing period will finish as is
A prorated charge will be applied to align the account to the new bill cycle
The prorated period will be handled as a full period when determining tiered pricing and usage bucketing
The new full billing period will start on the specified new bill day after the prorated period
Pending bill day changes are displayed on the Account / Settings / Billing tab
Pending bill day changes can be deleted or modified as needed
New Cancellation Charge options for Account Packages and Services
Prorate the transaction: apply charges for the cancellation period based on the amount of time within the period that the account-services were in a billable state
Charge full period: charge the full price of the account-services for the cancellation period, regardless of how many days in the period the services were in a billable state
No transaction: cancel the service and do not charge the service for this period ($0)
Waive Contract Penalties: When the account-package being cancelled contains a contract, this option will appear. When this setting is enabled contract early termination fees and remainder fees will not be applied
Partial Reversals on Transactions
Added the ability to do partial reversals on transactions and credits
Multiple reversals can be applied to the same charge so long as the combined total of the reversals does not exceed the original charged amount
All charges can be reversed except for real time taxed usage and manually issued credits
Real time taxed usage and manually issued credits can still be fully reversed
Price Plans Changes and Enhancements:
Added a new Pricing step to the order wizard where pricing is defined for the services within the order
The Personalize step in the wizard will no longer be used to set pricing but instead handle setting data overrides per service (e.g. Usage Identifier values, Custom Fields)
Service effective dates can now be configured in an order
Product Codes can be selected in an order if the code’s Account Price Plan is valid as of the package’s effective date
Minor order screen UI changes and validation improvements
Invoicing, Credit Note and Template Enhancements:
xModified Invoice and Credit Note pdfs to be stored in Amazon AWS S3 storage. The functionality of downloading and delivering invoices and credit notes has not changed
Event Subscriptions:
Added a new event subscription screen under Setup / Extensibility / Event Subscriptions
This screen allows notifications to be sent to system users or account contacts when certain system events occur (e.g. notify an account billing contact that payment was successfully processed or notify a user configured in the LogiSense Billing application that a Bill Run has completed)
Event subscriptions can be sent via email (utilizing email templates in the system) or sent using webhooks
SFTP Report Delivery
Added the ability to SFTP scheduled reports to an external location
A new screen is available to configure SFTP Settings under Setup / Extensibility / SFTP Settings
Multiple SFTP Settings can be configured if desired
When editing a report schedule the Delivery section now contains an option to select SFTP and specify which SFTP Settings to use
Usage Bucket Changes and Enhancements:
Many AdminPortal and API validation improvements and fixes
Many AdminPortal and API error handling and error messaging improvements
Security enhancements
Rating service resiliency improvements
Data import and file mover resiliency improvements