Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Money Buckets

    • Added the ability to configure money buckets which can allow multiple classes of usage to consume a specified amount of money (e.g. a $100 bucket that can be consumed by data, airtime and messaging usage)

    • A money bucket's value will always match the account’s currency

    • The price of the bucket (service charge) and amount of money in the bucket do not need to match. E.g. you can charge $100 for the bucket, but include $200 worth of usage in the bucket

    • Money buckets attached to a package can be shared so that all account-services in an account-package can draw from the bucket

    • Money Buckets can be configured with a rate plan

    • Money buckets can be configured in share plans

    • Add-on services can be configured with money buckets

    • Money Buckets cannot be prorated or set as a Billing Activation bucket

    • Aggregate Rates are not eligible to be used for Money Buckets

    • Bucket sizing/amounts are now defined on the Package Frequency for stand alone buckets and on the share plan for share plan buckets. Previously the bucket size/amounts were configured on the usage bucket

    • Threshold notifications can be configured for money buckets under the Setup / Product Catalog / Services / Buckets tab (e.g. email a specified account contact when 50% of the bucket is consumed)

    • Threshold notifications can also be setup on share plan buckets under the Edit Bucket / Notifications tab

  • Rate Plans on Usage Buckets

    • Added the ability to configure rate plans directly on usage buckets

    • Rate plans can be configured on recurring buckets (with or without rollover) but not on non-recurring buckets

    • Bucket rate plans are not applicable to activation buckets or share plan add-on buckets

    • Bucket rate plans override rates set in price plans


  • Many AdminPortal and API validation improvements and fixes

  • Many AdminPortal and API error handling and error messaging improvements

  • Security enhancements

  • Rating service resiliency improvements

  • Data import and file mover resiliency improvements

  • Improved performance deleting usage rates

  • AdminPortal UI fixes to auto-populate the correct values on many screens and prevent issues caused by clicking save multiple times

  • Added the ability for a logged in user to change their password in the UI by clicking the user icon in the upper right of the AdminPortal

  • Added the ability to send a user a Reset Password email on the Setup / Users screen

  • Fixed an issue where configuring a post paid package would also enable the charge full period option

  • Fixed an issue where a service transition could not be added to a package frequency if the service was configured to transition to a canceled status

  • Fixed an issue where the Services tab on the Edit Package screen would not be populated if a service configured on the package was set to inactive

  • Enabled the ability to bill an account that does not have account-packages on it, provided that other accounts with account-packages (e.g. child accounts) are configured to invoice their charges to the account without packages

  • Redesigned the Bill Run History screen to be be more user friendly and provide more meaningful data

  • Fixed an issue with the Bill Run History screen which could cause the processed count value to be inaccurate

  • Fixed an issue where an annually billed account-package would add an extra day to a prorated charge when billing within a leap year

  • Fixed an issue where account billing would fail when an account-package contained a service with a usage identifier which had an effective date earlier than the package's billing activation date

  • Modified the date set on late payment charges to be the date that payment was overdue, instead of the end date of the bill run that generated the late payment charge

  • Fixed an issue where a transaction would be set with an incorrect end date when an account-service status was changed and the prepaid account-package it resided in was canceled and billed

  • Fixed an issue where reversed non-recurring charges were set with an invalid period start value

  • Fixed an issue where a billing error would occur when an account-package configured with a contract had an effective cancel date that matched the contract expiration date

  • Fixed an issue where billing a usage based non-recurring service prior to performing usage billing could result in a service misconfiguration that would prevent an invoice void from being performed

  • Added the Account ID to the Account / Overview / Settings / Account tab

  • Fixed an issue where an account-package could be added to an account and the package name would not be populated

  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to specify certain dates when configuring an account-service's usage identifier value to change as of a future date

  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to reverse an account-package charge if the account-package was set to be cancelled within the current billing cycle

  • Fixed an issue where a SQLDateTime overflow error would occur when attempting to update an unbilled account-package's bill day

  • Fixed an issue where voiding an invoice containing a charge from a prepaid account-package configured to charge for the full period would incorrectly reset the package's Next Bill Date

  • Fixed an issue where dunning penalty charges wouldn't be re-applied after voiding an invoice and rebilling an account

  • Fixed an issue where deleting an account contact which was not set as required, was not possible if the contact resided on a canceled account

  • Modified the 'Use Address for Taxing' setting to be disabled on account billing contacts when a service contact is also configured on the account

  • Fixed an issue where it wouldn't be possible to cancel an account if any account-packages contained a non-recurring usage-based service

  • Modified the Taxes configuration tab on the Account / Settings screen to maintain the configured Tax Category when the Tax Exempt Level is set to 'All Taxes'

  • Modified AvaTax integration to include the currency code when a transaction is sent to Avalara for taxation

  • Fixed an issue with real time taxation where a 'Cannot Resolve Tax Code' usage exception could result in usage still being applied to a bucket

  • Fixed UI issues introduced when splitting contract commitments

  • Fixed an issue where processing a sales order would fail if the order contained a global add-on service with a price override set

  • Fixed an issue where voiding a sales order invoice would result in transition charges not being applied when next billing the account in some billing scenarios

  • Fixed a share plan issue where the usage bucket allowance would be doubled when adding a selling service and a participating service to the share plan at the same time

  • Modified reports to only output date values without displaying timestamps when a report is configured with the Data Format setting 'Use Date Defaults'

  • Modified default precision on reports to 2 decimal places when presenting currency values

  • Fixed an issue where changing the value of a Report's Decimal Point Symbol or Default Format would reset the Precision value back to zero

  • Fixed an issue where the page dimension configuration of a an existing report could not be modified

  • Fixed an issue where no data was displayed when viewing some core report PDF's in Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • Fixed a report issue where Aged Invoice Summary reports displayed incorrect decimal precisions in bucket columns when viewing the reports as PDFs

  • Fixed an issue where creating a new report with a schedule configured would fail and return an error

  • Fixed an issue with the Setup / Reports screen where the Columns tab on reports did not display the configured Primary Group and Secondary Group values

  • Fixed report issues where the configured currency symbol was not rendered in money value columns and the configured date format was not used

  • Updated Account Service Pricing and Account Service Tiered Pricing data sources to include data on non-recurring charge price override

  • Fixed an issue where saving a template with an embedded report would fail in error

  • Removed the ability to configure rate plans on usage bucket tiers

  • Modified usage rates to prevent Rated Markup from being selected as a Rate Type when configuring an aggregate rate

  • Fixed an issue where re-rating could be marked as completed when re-rating was still occurring, potentially preventing usage billing if a bill run was concurrently running

  • Removed the Setup / Usage Rating / Local Call Patterns screen

  • Modified billing not to generate $0 charges for usage that is fully applied to a usage bucket

  • Modified rate plans attached to account-services to use the account-package's start date as the rate plan's effective date instead of the date the rate plan was added

  • Fixed an issue where cancelling an optional account-service that was participating in a share plan did not update the quantity field on the Account Share Plan screen

  • Fixed an issue where deleting an account-package which was contributing to a share plan did not trigger re-rating

  • Fixed an issue which prevented the configuration of new payment gateways

  • Fixed a data import issue where importing a GeoTree location would fail without presenting an error

  • Fixed a data import issue where importing account-services with an empty string value for the usage identifier would fail

  • Fixed an issue with billing imported account-packages where the Usage Billed Through date was incorrect

  • Fixed a data import issue where changing the Target value on the Visual Map tab would not update the visual map displayed

  • Fixed an issue where an action configured on a webhook was not saved when saving a webhook configured with a filter

  • Fixed a webhook issue where relative dates configured on an event activation filter could trigger a rating exception during rating

  • Fixed an issue where the name of a webhook could not be modified unless the authentication type was also changed

  • Modified the Customer Portal UI to exclude voided invoices when selecting invoices on the Make Payment modal

  • Changed the Download invoice button on the Customer Portal Overview page to ‘View’

10.4.0 API Changes

v5 note / deprecated versions note

  • Deprecated APIs:

    • A

  • Updated APIs:

    • vFixed an issue which allowed an effective cancel date to be set on an account by api when active account-packages were present

    • Fixed an issue with the v4/Account/Package api where a post request would fail if a usage bucket's Name was provided instead of its ID

  • New APIs:

    • v

For additional API documentation please see the API Reference documentation on