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  1. Get any users/accounts that have a user-package next bill date that falls in the current bill run bill date range and group them by their parent accounts (ViewBillProcess SQL View)
    Note: the order in which customer accounts are billed is first ordered by Owner, then by customer name. So owner Acme will start before owner Anvil, and user Bob will bill before user Carol under the Owner

  2. Walk through each day in the bill range for each parent separately (e.g. 2/1/2018 - 3/1/2018)

    Step 1

    1. Find any parent/child accounts that have a package with 'Next Bill Date' the same as the walk through date

    2. Bill the parent or children all at once

    Step 2

    1. If a bill day is encountered and usage billing is enabled, bill all the accounts (parent and children) for usage

  3. Continue to loop through days of the month looking for users with a Bill Date that has been reached (set invoice status to CLOSED)

  4. Process credit cards or PAP (payments can be issued to a closed invoice if the 'Render' process has not been run yet on those invoices) For detail on HOW cards are processed or if they are processed on canceled accounts for example, please see this article: Payment Processing Using iBiz

  5. Render invoices (this stamps a processed date on the invoice and locks it down from any further payments being issued to it)

  6. Deliver invoices

  7. Finish the bill run and wait for the next bill run start date


  1. Load the customer account and click the linked bill day number on the left sidebar (in this example "9")

  2. In the bill cycle edit page that loads enter the day of the month you wish to bill the account on going forward

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  3. Click Save to commit the bill date change
