ID (Integer) - The unique ID of the bill group
Name (String) - The name of the bill group
AdvanceInvoiceDays (Integer) - This value will tell the billing service to bill user accounts in advance of their billing date according to the value specified
OwnerID (Integer) - The owner ID for which this bill group belongs
SortOrder (Integer) - The sort order number of this bill group for where it belongs in the list of bill groups.
BillDay (Integer) - Defines the default bill day which will be set on accounts when the account is created and when the ‘Bill Group’ is selected during account creation
InvoiceCloseTypeID (Integer) - This defines the method with which the system closes invoices, how to close them and when. For more information see See How to Configure How Invoices are Closed During Bill Runs
InvoiceDateProcessTypeID (Integer) - This option allows you to select the way in which you would like EngageIP to set the invoice date based on the following options:
As Is – Invoice dates will be equal to the invoice create/open date. For example, if the invoice create date was 11/27/2016, the invoice date would be 11/27/2016 as well
Invoice Closed Date – The invoice date will be set to the same date as when the invoice is actually closed
User Bill Day (current month) – If Bill Group is set with User Bill Day (current month), the Invoice Date will be October 01, 2016 (if the current month is October)
User Bill Day (next month) – If Bill Group is set with User Bill Day (next month), Invoice Date will be November 01, 2016
User Bill Day (previous month) – If Bill Group is set with User Bill Day (previous month), Invoice Date will be September 01, 2016
InvoiceCloseThresholdAmount (Double) - When a dollar amount is entered, the bill run will not close an invoice unless the total charges on the invoice are equal to or greater than this value. i.e, if you have $100 set, the bill run will not close an invoice if only $50 in charges have been added to the invoice
UsageBillingTypeID (Integer) - Allows you to bill usage separate from your bill run and on a set day OR in a recurring frequency pattern. See the Usage Billing by Frequency or Date article for a full explanation of Usage Billing
InvoiceDueDateTypeID (Integer) - This defines the method with which EngageIP determines how to set the due date on an invoice
UsageBillDay (Integer) - Defines the day on which or frequency that Usage Billing will occur
InvoiceConfigurationID (Integer) - this field will allow you to specify which invoice configuration to use. See the Invoice Configuration article for more information
username (String) - The username for which to retrieve the list of bill groups. An An exception will be thrown if the username does not exist.