username (String) - The username the contact is linked to. An An exception will be thrown if the username does not exist.
contactPointAddressID (Integer) - Reference to the unique ID referencing the address, see GetContactPointAddress
address1 (String) - The first line of the street address
address2 (String) - The second line of the street address, use an empty sting if not necessary
cityName (String) - The name of the city. An exception will be thrown if the address format for the country requires a predefined city and the supplied city does not exist
stateName (String) - the name of the state/province. An exception will be thrown if the address format for the country requires a predefined state and the supplied state does not exist
countryName (String) - the name of the country. An exception will be thrown if the country does not exist
zipcode (String) - the postal or zip code for the address.