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This article describes the configuration and use of postpaid billing.
Load the account
On the Overview or Packages tab page click the Add button to add the postpaid package to the account
Select an Effective Date of the package (this will be displayed as the 'Start Date' when editing the package). This date will be used to determine when to bill the package
Disregard the bill now check box (this is not used when a package is postpaid, billing will occur when the package is billed by EngageIP or manually or canceled - the cancel process initiates a final billing process)
Click Save
Current Month is March, billing period is February, billing has occurred. If you want to cancel the account so that no charges for March are billed out during the April 1 bill run, cancel the account as of March 1st, OR cancel the account with no transaction. The account in this situation will not bill and no charges will be added. Charges applied by the billing service will stay for the February period and February period invoice
Current Month is March, billing period is February, billing has occurred. If you want to cancel the account and remove February transactions, cancel the account with as of March 1st (for accounts where Billday = 1, otherwise cancel the account as of their bill day so that the system does not think there are unbilled days since last billing). If you want to remove charges from the existing invoice, open the invoice (click the check box beside the invoice number on the invoices tab page and click the 'open' button below, then reverse the charges on the transactions tab page and then close the invoice (click check box beside open invoice on the invoices tab page and then click the 'close' button)
Current Month is March, billing has occurred. If for example your billing date is the 1st of the month, a One Time Service that is added in mid-month will prorate correctly. A One-Time Service to a monthly package, add a postpaid component on March 15th, 2013, uncheck Bill NOW. Run the Job Service and Event Service and then use Bill Account to bill for April 1st, 2013