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This article outlines the general methods for processing credit cards, refunding, and testing after upgrades or general confirmation on the ability to process credit cards.
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Note: This document does not explicitly describe the setup and configuration of your specific credit card processor, please review pertinent documents in the knowledge base related to your specific processor. Additional information and samples can be found in the article: Credit Card Payment Processing Using iBiz. |
When testing the credit card processor on your system, there are two test modes available. On the processor page (Setup tab->Card Processors->Add/ Card Processors / Add/Edit) as shown, there is a test mode check box. This is an EngageIP specific test mode, all cards whether real or fake will receive a successful response when using this check box. This is best used if you simply want to confirm that billing is attempting to process cards and should NOT be used in a production system scenario.
To test credit cards or process a payment, complete the following:
Click Tools tab
Under the Tools and Utilities heading click on Make Payment
Ensure that there is a payment method available. There should be one that is set to default as denoted by the bold lettering for the active payment method if there are more then one.
Select the payment method to use - this is the case where you may have a Cash payment method and a credit card payment method or some other combination. Note: This is where you can select a credit card to process real time even when credit card is not the default payment method
In the Amount field enter dollar amount to charge, the credit card to be used will show above
Leave the AutomaticDisbursement check box checked if you would like the payment disbursed automatically against any existing invoices. If unchecked, you will need to manually disburse this payment to the invoice desired
Click Save
To process a credit card without saving the detail, i.e. as a one off scenario on the account, click on Tools tab, and then click 'One-Off Credit Card Payment'. If you do not see this, check your role permissions to ensure you have access to this feature.
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Note: When charging credit cards using the 'Online Payment' option in the customerportal or the API method: MakeOneTimeCreditCardPayment, make sure that you have a payment type labeled: 'Credit Card Online'. The API method specifically looks for a payment type of 'Credit Card Online' in order to process those. |
For Full Refund:
Find user account
Click the Tools tab
Click Credit Card / Credit Card Token Refund
Select a processed amount to refund from the list of successfully processed dollar amounts - click check box
Click the Refund button
For Partial Refund (see images below for reference):
Find user account
Click the Tools tab
Click Credit Card / Credit Card Token Refund
Instead of checking the box beside the processed amount you want to apply a partial refund to, click its ID
Enter any amount, partial or full
Click the Partial/Full Refund button
The expiry email check is performed at midnight each night
A canned email has been setup and selected on the Email Settings screen
The EngageIP Event Manager service is required to be running on the webserver
Only one email is sent per credit card per expiry date
If the expiry date is updated, the customer will receive another expiry email reminder 1 month in advance of the new expiry date
Only Active accounts will receive emails (they must be active at the time when the EngageIP Event Manager runs)
To configure:
Click on the Setup tab
Under the Communication Services heading click on Email Settings
Note: Email Messages are setup under Communication Services ->Email / Email Messages. Messages stored in that section house all canned emails for your system (not just those related to tickets). See below for a sample cc expiry email message
Under the Credit Card Expiry Reminder Email Message field select which canned email message will be sent for credit card expiry notices
Finally, ensure that the EngageIP Event Manager service is running on the webserver - you can check this by using the configuration link in the top right corner of the AdminPortal which is accessible when on the main owner account. Under the "System Check" section of the page you should see a green checkmark next to the "Event Service"
How do I determine if and why a customers credit card is not processing?
Load the user account
Click on the Tools tab
Click on Payment Methods
The name of the default payment method should be in BOLD. If its not default, the billing system will not process against it. Billing only processes against methods marked as 'default'
Is the card expired? Click on the credit card, and check the expiry date which is in the format mm/yy
If the above is good, access the Reports tab page and check the Payment Decline report. Do the payment attempts show up there? If so, review the error listed and correct as needed
The Bill Run History report will provide a good high level view of the number of payments collected during a specific bill run
Bill Run History can be found under the Reports tab -> page / Owner Reports -> / Bill Run History
Use the Payment and Payment Decline reports filtered on date to determine how much was charged and what the errors were if the cards were declined. These reports can be found under the Reports tab page
Error Messages
"The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a credit" - When you receive this error message, one potential reason is that there are two cards on file and one is not located in EngageIP which is why it can not be refunded. One way this issue occurs is when a customer requests a card change and EngageIP is not updated.