This article outlines the general methods for processing credit cards, refunding, and testing after upgrades or general confirmation on the ability to process credit cards
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Note: This document does not explicitly describe the setup and configuration of your specific credit card processor, please review pertinent documents in the knowledge base related to your specific processor. Additional information and samples can be found in the article: Credit Card Payment Processing Using iBiz. |
Payment Processor Test Modes
Adding a Credit Card to an Account
See the article: Adding Managing Payment Methods to on an Account.
Processing Credit Cards
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Note: Payment collection will occur on the account that has the invoice, and ONLY from the payment method on the account that has the invoice. The amount of collection will be based on the collection type, whether it be due date, full balance etc. |
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Note: If you're adding a payment method of credit card and you chose 'Same As Billing Info', you need to ensure that the Billing Contact has the following Contact Points defined on it:
These are case sensitive and need to be in place otherwise EngageIP will produce an error when saving the credit card stating that not all required fields are filled out. As well, ensure that the Contact Type of ' |
Billing Contact' has not been altered. If you need to rename this, use the language dictionary to apply a different label in the interface |
To test credit cards or process a payment, complete the following:
One-Off Credit Card Processing
To process a credit card without saving the detail, i.e. as a one off scenario on the account, click on Tools tab, and then click 'One-Off Credit Card Payment'. If you do not see this, check your role permissions to ensure you have access.
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Note: When charging credit cards using the 'Online Payment' option in the customerportal or the API method: MakeOneTimeCreditCardPayment, make sure that you have a payment type labeled: 'Credit Card Online'. The API method specifically looks for a payment type of 'Credit Card Online' in order to process those. |
A related error you may see will contain this text if this is the issue:
Any previously successful credit card charges will be listed as in the image below. From these you can select which you would like to refund in full.
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Note: If the processor test mode is checked ON in EngageIP, any successful credit card processes completed (which will be all of them in this mode) will not show in the list. Only TRUE credit card processes will be listed here. |
In the scenario below, a credit card payment of $100 was processed. A partial refund of $30 was then processed. The resulting transaction shows on the payments list, the original 100 reversed, and a new payment of $70 (the balance of the payment), and the refund screen simply shows the original $100 marked as 'REFUNDED = YES'.
Automatic Expiry Email Notification
Click on the Setup tab
Under the Communication Services heading click on Email Settings
Note: Email Messages are setup under Communication Services->Email Messages. Messages stored in that section house all canned emails for your system (not just those related to tickets). See below for a sample cc expiry email message
Under the Credit Card Expiry Reminder Email Message field select which canned email message will be sent for credit card expiry notices
Finally, ensure that the EngageIP Event Manager service is running on the webserver - you can check this by using the configuration link in the top right corner of the adminportal AdminPortal which is accessible when on the main owner account. Under the "System Check" section of the page you should see a green checkmark next to the "Event Service"
Questions might arise as to why an account is not charging via their credit card or what the total amount charge was etc. Here are some reports and methods to determine whats what's happening in your billing system.