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it is important to know how to filter and sort report output, if you are unfamiliar with these functions please reference the Reports – Filtering and Sorting Techniques guide

Note: some of the reports listed below may not be seen in your installation of EngageIP.  The listed reports depend on:


  • Audit Log - this report is a comprehensive event logging tool which can be used to record the smallest change on an account.  See the Audit Log Report article for more information

  • Balance - this report displays the account and sub-account sales and balances. This is a quick reference report to see how the account is doing from a sales perspective

  • Batch Payments - this report displays a list of all Batch Payments for this account including the account, amount, date, payment type, card type, details, and if the payment has been automatically disbursed

  • CC Expiry Date - this report displays a list of all credit cards listed on the account including the type, expiry date, contact information and any balances

  • Credits - this report displays all credits that have been applied to the account including the date, amount, any taxes and who it was created by

  • Customer Balance - this report displays the customer balance for the current account, including details on payments that have been made

  • Event Log - this report displays a list of all activity that has been recorded on the account. Represented as an event log report the information allows you to see what events have occurred on the account.  For more information see the Event Log Report article

  • Payment Decline - the Payment Decline report allows account owners to view a list of payments they have made towards invoices but were declined for a particular reason. The ability to jump to a particular account to take action is possible by clicking the account’s name from the list

  • Payments - the payments report displays payment details, including the amount, payment type, date and various other transaction details

  • Rendered Documents - this report displays a list of all document templates that were generated within the system at the account level. Document templates are created using the Document Templates option on the Setup tab

  • Statement Of Account - the statement of account reports all transaction amounts and details per account.  See the Statement Of Account Report article for more information

  • Statement Of Account Summary - this Account Report offers several columns of key information for customers, such as Customer Name, Account Number, Opening Balance etc. The Report has a configuration option to run "As Of" a specified date. When running the Report using "As Of Date" option, the first row in this report will be the sum of all invoices, credits and payments and will be showed with transaction type of "Opening Balance" and the amount will be SUM

  • UDR Bucket - this report shows existing buckets and details on the number of minutes left when a bucket is rolled over from one period to the next

  • UDR History - this report provides details on all rated usage for an account  For more information see: UDR History Report

  • Void Invoice Data - the Void Invoice Data report displays a list of all invoices that have been voided, including details pertaining to the reason the invoice that was voided, the account name, etc.


  • Account Services - provides a listing of accounts and the services associated with them. To see which accounts will be billed, you can use the 'Account Services' report, filter it for active account status and active service status and by 'Next Bill Date' ascending and this will show you all the customers who will be billed. This also gives you information to determine what dates in the range to select, i.e. find the min and max next bill dates on the services you wish to bill. This report includes status information for the account which the service belongs to and any parent that the account may be under. These statuses are useful when filtering the report

  • Accounts - provides a full list of user accounts in the system with detailed info including bill group the accounts belong to

  • Account Address - this report provides a list of users and their addresses, one row for each contact that exists on the account only (if the address exists)

  • Aged Balance - provides aged balances per user sorted into four periods that can be customized. See the Aged Reports article for more information

  • Aged Invoice Balance - provides a list of invoice balances (totaled per customer) that are aged. See the Aged Reports article for more information

  • Aged Invoice Detail - provides a list of invoice balances broken out per invoice that are aged. See the Aged Reports article for more information

  • Alerts - provides quick alerts for integration's with 3rd party systems/software such as Genband and Broadworks and will relate to more detailed information in the Event Log report
    Note: the Alerts report is no longer present as of EngageIP 9.3.4. Alerts related to a particular EngageIP Windows Service (Job Service, Event Service, etc.) are now captured in the given Service's log file

  • Audit Log - provides full detail on all actions in the system and is configurable in terms of what is logged from the Setup tab. The audit log holds much greater granular detail then the event log

  • Balance - displays customer balances

  • Batch Payments - displays all batch payments entered into the system

  • Bill Run History - a listing of invoices and customers grouped into bill runs by date

  • Billsoft Taxes Payable - taxes payable for the BillSoft integration

  • CC Expiry Date - a listing of customers and their credit cards with expiry date.  From this report you can batch email all customers whose credit cards are expired or will be expiring using canned emails

  • CDR Exceptions - a list of exceptions that the telecom rating process has produced. Once resolved and rating is run again exceptions will be cleared out (if the issue causing the exception was resolved)

  • Commission Payable - used to detail commission paid out to sales staff

  • Concurrent Calls - telecom listing of concurrent call records. The goal of this report to take the filtered data based on the values entered into the initial view and create a table that illustrates the peak number of concurrent calls per hour for a given range of dates.  If the returned data shows 1, there were no concurrent calls. If it shows 2, there were two calls at the same time during that hour, if it shows 5 there were five calls all at the exact same time in that hour. For configuration instructions see: Concurrent Calls Report

  • Content Usage - content usage records relating to telecom

  • Contract Forecast - this report will return rows for each account package that has a contract associated to it.  The number of rows will be determined by how many billing days are left in the contract

  • Credits - this report displays all credits that have been applied to the account including the date, amount, any taxes and who it was created by

  • Deferred Revenue - this report displays revenue that is considered a liability until it becomes relevant to the business at hand, such as a payment received for a package/service that has not yet been delivered

  • Event Log - this report displays a list of all activity that has been recorded for all accounts under the current owner. Represented as an event log report the information allows you to see what actions have been taken by the account through the system

  • Failed Taxes - Associated with either AvaTax or other tax vendor, this report displays a list of taxes that have failed to be applied to invoices for a particular reason

  • Inventory Stock  - this report will display a list of all inventory items currently available and in stock at the owner level

  • Inventory Supply Orders - this report displays a list of supply orders that have not currently been issued but not currently fulfilled

  • Invoice Print Queue - the Invoice Print Queue report displays a list of all invoices that have been delivered to the print queue

  • Invoice Summary - this report is used for revenue reporting purposes (vs. balance or A/R reporting) and summarizes invoices showing recurring, non-recurring, usage and tax totals per invoice. If you desire a balance report related to an invoice or disbursements you should instead reference the 'Invoices' report

    • Note: as of EngageIP payments and credit disbursements are no longer subtracted from the Invoice Amount column (unless credits are associated with the invoice). Also the Payment column reflects payments issued to the corresponding invoice instead of showing disbursed payments

  • Invoices - unlike the invoices list that is viewed by clicking on the Invoices tab, this report lists details on all invoices for accounts under the current owner. In addition, the invoice report displays the total tax per invoice and again adds the ability to summarize by account, invoice, etc.

  • Mail Queue - this report stores all e-mail messages that are sitting in the queue due to an error occurring during the send process

  • Missing Jurisdiction Codes - this report displays a list of accounts which have missing jurisdiction codes. These are for taxing purposes and used by third party vendors such as AvaTaxin order to tax the service correctly based on location. AvaTax resolves address to a jurisdiction code therefore taxes are applied against such jurisdiction codes. If an address within the system cannot be resolved to a jurisdiction code it won't be taxed and therefore listed within this report

  • Online Accounts - the Online Accounts report allows you to quickly see which account are currently connected and online. You also have the option to manually force a disconnect of the account by selecting it and clicking the Logoff button at the bottom of the report. This is useful if an account is having issues or causing issues on your network

  • Payment Decline - the Payment Decline report allows account owners to view a list of payments they have made towards invoices but were declined for a particular reason. The ability to jump to a particular account to take action is possible by clicking the account's name from the list

  • Payments - this report displays a list of all payments that have been applied to the account (i.e. credit card charges, credits, deposits, etc.)

  • Recognized Revenue - this report displays revenue that is recognized. Any one time charges or charges that do not span multiple periods will all be recognized based on their transaction or posting date

  • Rendered Documents - this report displays a list of all document templates that were generated within the system. Document templates are created using the Document Templates option located under the Configuration section of the Setup menu

  • Resource Item Backorders - a list of back ordered resource items.  See the Resource Management Report article for more information

  • Resource Items - when generated this report will display a list of the owner's resource items, items on hold, items available, account information and more. See the Resource Management Report article for more information

  • Role Permissions - this report list will list all role permissions set for all users under the current owner

  • Sales - when generated this report will display how many services were sold per owner, user, the service and package, all applicable charges/taxes/discounts and any specified start and end periods. The sales report will also provide tax information per service. This is a useful way to summarize taxes per service or per account in addition to the taxes payable report
    Note: Sales report includes credits so you need to account for this if you're also referring to Credits report

  • Table Information - this provides a diagnostic tool for maintenance to show you the size of tables in the EngageIP main database

  • Taxes Payable - this report shows all taxes applied to charges, along with the Account, Owner, Date, Tax Rate, Tax Codes and Tax Classes applied. Charges may show on multiple rows as the tax applied to each charge is broken out per Tax

  • Telecom Bucket Service - this report shows all services that have been associated with a Telecom Bucket and which accounts the service has been assigned to

  • Telecom Bucket User Service - unlike the Telecom Bucket Service Report which shows all services and accounts which have a telecom bucket associated with them, this report displays the same information but only for the current account

  • Telecom Rate - a CDR system report which lists of all the rates defined in the GeoTree on one page

  • Ticket References - a listing of ticket references. References are flags on tickets linking back to things like transactions, contact points, invoices etc in order to link pieces of data in EngageIP to customer tickets

  • Tickets - this report shows all tickets created under the current owner

  • Transaction Refunds - this report shows all transaction refunds for accounts under the current owner

  • UDR History - this is similar to CDR history, but shows UDRs. A new column added shows the raw call length rather than a rounded one. Rounded call lengths are used for billing purposes based on your rounding rules.  For more information see: UDR History Report

  • Undisbursed Credit - when generated this report will display which credits applied to accounts under the owner have not been disbursed to invoices

  • Undisbursed Payment - when generated this report will display which payments made within the system have not been disbursed to invoices

  • User Package - a listing of packages by user / customer

  • Void Invoice Data - the Void Invoice Data report displays a list of all invoices that have been voided, including details pertaining to the reason, invoice that was voided, the account name, etc.

  • Workflow Instances History - displayed completed/closed workflow instances for historical purposes

  • Workflow Instances - the workflow instances report allows you to view the current status of your workflows and where you are redirected if you manually run a workflow. The information found on this report can also help with debugging a workflow

  • Workorder Schedule - a calendar layout of the workorders that are in the system

  • Workorders - a workorder listing


Below is a list of reports and resources specific to logging errors, access, processes etc in EngageIP:

See Also