Advanced-Billed - this will add a prorated charge when the service (along with its package) is added to a customer account and add a charge for the next complete period of billing. The system will set the next bill date as the bill day of the full period it billed and bill one full period in advance. For example, if the customers bill day is the 1st and you add a package on the 15th, the system will add a prorated charge from August 15th to August 31st, and also apply a charge for the full September period (assuming the package's billing frequency is monthly). The next bill date in this scenario will be set as September 1st. When billing is run on September 1st the system will bill for October 1st to 31st and so on (billing one full billing period in advance)
Warning: the Advance-Billed option described here should not be confused with the 'Advance invoice days' setting on bill groups, and should not be used in conjunction with the 'Advance Invoice Days' setting. 'Advance Invoice Days' on bill groups is described in the Bill Group Configuration article
Alert: you should not use an Advance-Billed configuration for a period of time and then switch back to Default billing as this action will result in duplicate charges. If you are required to switch from Advance-Billed billing back to Default billing first you will need to manually update the next bill date on accounts to ensure duplicate charges are not appliedDefault - this is the generic configuration where the service will bill as the package bills