Agents can be setup to earn commission when Contracts are signed (when a User-Contract is set to active status on the customers account) or when a Contract is renewed (a User-Contract is manually renewed by the sales agent managing the account). Commission paid for new or renewed contracts can be configured with the standard Commission Detail options (e.g. commission can be earned at a flat or percentage rate and paid out as a one-time payment or paid out multiple times as customer billing/payment occurs).
Load the Setup tab
Locate the Commissions section and click on Agents
Click on the name of the Agent you wish to add Commission Details for
The Agent Commission Detail page will load, click Add on this page
Enter the Agent Commission Details (required fields are in red):
Select the CommissionType in the drop down list
Select the Commission Calculation Type (Flat rate or Percentage)
Enter the Rate to be in sync with the Commission Calculation Type. For example entering 5 with the type of Flat is $5.00, entering 0.05 with the type as Percentage is 5%
In the Occurrences field enter number of times commission should be applied when the service is billed/payment is collected (leaving this field empty or blank means keep applying commission indefinitely)
Calculate Commission On First Invoice Only (Introduced in EngageIP should be selected if you want to pay out commission on the initial invoice only
Note: the invoice must be paid for commission to be granted, not merely issuedIf an agent should earn commission for both the first invoice and for subsequent Service billing/payments for the Commission Type in question, then Agent Commission Details will need to be added at least twice. I.e. if the desired configuration is to pay out commission for the first invoice and to pay out monthly commission each time a particular Service is billed then define:
Agent->Add Commission Detail->Configure for proper Commission Type (matches the Service Component Commission Type), enable 'Calculate Commission On First Invoice Only'
Agent->Add Commission Detail->Use the same Commission Type, do not enable 'Calculate Commission On First Invoice Only'
Result: if the Commission Type on the Service (component) matches the Agent Commission Type -> Payout once for the first invoice when billing/payment occurs & also pay commission out as the service is billed/paid going forward based on the "Occurrences" setting
Clawback (Introduced in EngageIP can be used to change the rule from a commission payout rule to a Clawback commission rule
Clawback rules allow commission payout to reclaimed in whole or in part when services are canceled on a new account prior to meeting a minimum number of billed months
For example: you can configure a commission rule to pay out 10% commission for each service (Type Percent, Rate 0.10) and a separate Clawback rule to take back 5% commission (Type Percent, Rate 0.05) for each service if the Minimum Period is not met.
Clawback Minimum Period (Introduced in EngageIP used when Clawback is enabled in order to specify the number of billing periods that need to be billed for clawback rules to be ignored
For example: if set to 3 (three months) then commission will be taken back (at the Rate specified in the Clawback rule) for commission paid out prior to reaching the third month. If the new account is canceled in the fourth month however, no commission will be reclaimed
Note: the Clawback Minimum Period will be considered when Commission Detail Types of 'Default' or 'New Order' are used but not 'Renewal' types. A Clawback minimum period will always be calculated against the start of a contract (New Order), it will not factor in renewal periods
Commission Detail Type (Introduced in EngageIP determines in what scenario the commission applies
Default: the stock behavior, apply commission based upon Commission Detail Type matching (User Service Component > User Agent/Agent Commission Detail rules). Detailed in the How Commission is Applied section above
New Order: trigger commission calculations when a new User-Contract is activated on an Account. When the User-Contract is activated the normal commission calculation rules will be executed to determine if commission is applicable (i.e. Commission Types on User-Services within the User-Contract must match Commission Types configured in User Agent settings on the Account or failing that Commission Types configured at the Agent level). New Order Commissions will continue to pay out for subsequent months (they are not one-time bonuses), if you wish commission to be paid out only once for the new User-Contract then set the Occurrences value to 1
Renewal: trigger commission calculations when a User-Contract is manually Renewed on an Account. Commission calculations will not occur if a User-Contract is set to 'Auto Renewable' (as in that scenario the Agent had nothing to do with getting the Contract Renewed). Renewal commission will only be calculated if a new User-Contract is created when the old User-Contract expires and the new User-Contract > 'Renewed From User Attribute Contract' field is set to the ID value of the expired User-Contract. Once the User-Contract is renewed the normal commission calculation rules still apply to determine if commission is applicable (Commission Type matching). Like the New Order functionality, Commission for a Renewed User-Contract will continue to pay out for subsequent periods if the renewed contract and applicable User-Packages remain active, to control the payout length define an Occurrences value
Advancement (Introduced in EngageIP when enabled permits sales agents to earn commission for services connected to a User-Contract in advance of Services in the Contract being billed/paid. For more information see the Configuring Advancement section below
Retire (Introduced in EngageIP allows you to retire the Commission Detail so that the Agent no longer earns commission for it. Used in conjunction with the 'Effective Date' field
Effective Date (Introduced in EngageIP is used when the Retire option is enabled to indicate the exact date a Commission Detail will be retired. Commissions will continue to be calculated in relation to the Commission Detail rule until this retirement date is reached
Click Save
Repeat the process above for all the Agents you wish to setup commissions for
Access the MSSQL Server Management Studio and enable the following option on the 'EngageIP' database
insert into EngageIPOption (Name, Value) values ('CreateUDRBillerUDRClassSummary', 'True'Code Block insert into EngageIPOption (Name, Value) values ('CreateUDRBillerUDRClassSummary', 'True')
Restart IIS on the EngageIP Server
Load the EngageIP AdminPortal and access the Setup tab
Click on UDR Classes
Click on the Name of the UDR Class you wish to allow commission to be earned on
Under the Components section click Add
Click Commission Type
Select the Commission Type you wish to use (if you have not setup Commission Types for usage see the Setting up Commission Types section above)
Click Save
To configure how a Statement is generated/delivered see 'Commission Statement Delivery Configuration' above. If EngageIP is not setup to send email see the Email Settings Configuration article.
Once the email configuration is in order (Email Settings, Statement Delivery Configuration and Agent accounts setup with a valid Contact > Billing Contact > Email Address) Statements can be emailed either manually or automatically when Bill Runs are triggered.
The Owner, User, Agent and Parent Account
User-Service details the Commission relates to
The Commission Type and the payout (e.g. fixed $20 Commission Payable for 'Hardware' Commission Type)
The Advancement Amount which indicates what an agent was paid for prior to a User-Contract being billed/paid for. See the Configuring Advancement section for more information on how Advancement is configured and applied
The Commission Source which indicates which Commission Detail was used (i.e. a UserServiceCommissionDetail, UserAgentCommissionDetail or AgentCommissionDetail)