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Base Buckets are configured in Settings / Usage Rating / Bucket & Share Plans / Base Buckets


Base buckets define the usage characteristics of buckets, such as the unit type that is being consumed (data, count, time), the class of usage that is applicable to the bucket (e.g. data, APIs, disk space, voice, SMS) and the locations where usage is applicable to the bucket (Everywhere, North America, United States, etc.). Base buckets are selected when configuring usage buckets and share plan buckets. Usage buckets are attached to services and define the bucket size (1GB, 100 minutes, etc.), if the bucket recurs, and other settings which define how usage is included/charged in relation to a service or share plan.


Usage Classes need to be configured before base buckets can be setup.

Buckets Panel

The Buckets panel on the left of this screen allows you to select existing base buckets to view and edit on the Edit Bucket panel to the right. Actions are also available in this panel which are shown as icons above the Filter text box. The available actions are described below.




Deletes the selected base bucket if not in use (configured on usage buckets or share plans)

Adds a new base bucket

Buckets List

The buckets list on the left of the screen shows base buckets that are currently setup.

When you select a base bucket in the list additional details will be displayed in the Edit Bucket panel to the right. These details are explained below.

Edit Bucket Panel

The information in this panel reflects the currently selected base bucket. From here you can change bucket details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).


  • Name: a descriptive name for the base bucket (e.g. 'Data Bucket')

  • Unit Type: how usage will be consumed for usage buckets that use this type of base bucket. The options are:

    • Count: usage by a specific activity/event (messages, events, records, etc.)

    • Data: usage by data consumption

    • Time: usage by time (e.g. call time/airtime)

  • Start Date: when the base bucket is active/available in the system

Bucket Details tab

This tab specifies the usage classes and locations that are applicable to the bucket. E.g. if you are setting up a base bucket for sms usage in the United States you would need to add bucket details with the appropriate messaging classes (e.g. SMS-MobileOriginating) and the appropriate locations (United States). Instructions on how to add details to the Bucket Details tab are covered in the guides section below.

References tab

This section displays where the selected base bucket is used in the system. By default the reference data is displayed in a summary format to indicate where the base bucket is in use, however the Entity drop down field can be used to view the exact system objects that the base bucket is configured on.



Adding Base Buckets

  1. Adding Base Buckets

    1. Under the Buckets heading on the left click the (blue star) icon

    2. Under the Add Bucket heading on the right specify the base bucket details

    3. On the Bucket Details tab click the + New button to add usage class and location details. The details available are explained below:

      • Exclude: allows you to exclude usage from being deducted from the bucket for a particular class of usage or usage related to a specific location. For instance, if you configured a bucket detail for voice class usage in North America and wanted to calls to Hawaii not to deduct allotted usage from the bucket, you would create another bucket detail with a location of Hawaii, a class of 'voice/airtime' and the Exclude option checked. Given this configuration, calls to Hawaii would not deduct airtime minutes from the bucket, instead another airtime bucket would be used (if available) or a rate plan would be searched for in order to charge for the calls to Hawaii that were excluded from using the bucket

      • Class: allows you to specify a class of usage applicable to the bucket. E.g. if this is a data bucket you would select the appropriate data class

      • Location: this option will only appear if the selected class is using the geotree as its rater. The location indicates where the bucket applies, or where the bucket cannot be used if a location is specified and the 'Exclude' option is set. The Location relates to the terminating geotree pattern, not the originating number (i.e. making a call from the location is not relevant, the called number is what is evaluated)

      • Location Group: this option will only appear if the selected class is using the geotree as its rater. Location groups are a collection of locations (e.g. multiple regions, states or countries) which like the location setting above can be selected so that the bucket can be used when calling any one of the locations in the group

    4. repeat the step above to add additional details if needed

    5. Click Save to create the new base bucket


Editing Base Buckets

  1. Under the Buckets heading on the left click the base bucket you wish to edit

  2. Under the Edit Buckets heading on the right modify the base bucket details

  3. To add, edit or remove bucket details see below:

    • Adding Details: click the + New button and select a class and if applicable location details. After the class has been chosen click Add. The new detail you added will be saved on the bucket when the base bucket is saved

    • Editing Details: click the (blue star) icon to the right of an existing detail on the Bucket Details tab, modify the detail as needed and click Update. The detail changes will be saved when the base bucket is saved

    • Deleting Details: click the (blue star) icon next to the detail you wish to delete. When the (blue star) icon appears click it to confirm the deletion. Existing details on the bucket set to be deleted will appear crossed out in the list and the delete action will occur when you save the base bucket

  4. Click Save to commit your changes to the base bucket


Deleting Base Buckets


Note: Base buckets that are configured on usage buckets or other entities are in use and cannot be deleted (the delete action button will be greyed out in this case). In order to delete a base bucket in use first check the References tab on the Edit Bucket panel to determine which entities are configured with the base bucket. Next, proceed to modify those entities to use an alternate base bucket.
