Info |
Account Packages are configured in Account / Profile / Packages. |
This screen allows you to add, bill and manage packages on an account. A package is a container for services which have prices associated with them. E.g. a package could contain 'Monthly Service A' with a $50.00 price and 'Monthly Service B' with a $25.00 price resulting in a monthly package charge of $75.00. Services by themselves cannot be added to an account directly, they are always contained in a package.
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected account-package. From here you can change package details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
Custom Fields tab
This tab will display custom fields if your organization has configured custom fields on account-packages. Custom fields are used to capture additional account-package details relevant to your organization.
In the Account Packages panel to the right of the packages heading click the
On the pop-up that appears specify the:
Bill Period Start: the start of the billing period range. The billing period range is defined by the Bill Period Start date and the Bill Period End date. When the bill run executes account-packages will be billed if the package’s 'Next Bill Date' falls within the billing period range and the option 'Bill Charges' is enabled on the bill run
Bill Period End: this value determines the end of the billing period range. See the Bill Period Start notes above for more information
Bill Charges: when enabled non-usage based charges (e.g. subscription charges) will be billed and an invoice generated
Bill Usage: when enabled usage based charges will be billed and an invoice generated. Note: All unbilled usage charges that precede the 'Bill Period Start' date will also be billed if it is determined that the account-package that the usage relates to should be billed
Deliver Invoice: Delivers invoices based on the bill group's 'Invoice Delivery' setting (e.g. email delivery). Invoices that are not rendered will not be delivered (i.e. no invoice exists to be delivered). Invoices are only delivered when the invoicer account's bill day is within the billing period (the bill day falls within the Bill Period Start and Bill Period End date range)
Run Contract Commitment: when enabled account and account-package contracts on the accounts being billed will be evaluated to see if contract related charges are applicable. If commitments are not met/contracts have been terminated prematurely then any configured penalty fees on the contract will be applied. When this option is enabled contract dates will be checked to determine if contract charges are valid, the 'Bill Period Start' date is not referenced when the system is evaluating contracts on accounts/account-packages. This means that contract charges related to periods earlier than the specified bill period start date will be applied
Collect Payment: when enabled payment can be collected from accounts that have an ‘Auto Pay’ payment method configured. Integration with a payment gateway must also be configured for payment collection to function
Run Dunning Process: when enabled this setting will trigger the execution of dunning rules that have been configured on the account (e.g. send the account's billing contact an email notification if they are X days overdue for payment, email and change the account status to suspended if payment is Y days overdue, etc.)
Posting Date: the date the billing activity will be set to for reporting / financial period purposes
Click Bill Now