Info |
Account Packages are configured in Account / Profile / Packages. |
This screen allows you to add, bill and manage packages on an account. A package is a container for services which have prices associated with them. E.g. a package could contain 'Monthly Service A' with a $50.00 price and 'Monthly Service B' with a $25.00 price resulting in a monthly package charge of $75.00. Services by themselves cannot be added to an account directly, they are always contained in a package.
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected account-package. From here you can change package details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
In the Account Packages panel to the right of the packages heading click the
Under the Account Package heading on the right specify the package configuration (see the edit package panel section on the Account Packages article the edit account package panel section above for details on each field)
If desired click on the Services tab and add/edit/remove services in the package:
Adding Services to the Package / Global Add-on Packages:
While in Summary view click the
icon to the right of the tabs in the Add Account Package panel
If the package is configured to allow global add-ons you can select a global add-on here. Otherwise only optional services will be selectable. Select what you wish to add on
If you are adding a global add-on package then type in the name of the Package, select a Frequency, enter the Service to be added, the Status of the service, the Effective Date of the service and the service Quantity you wish to add
If you are adding an optional service then specify the Service, the Status of the service, the Effective Date of the service and the service Quantity you wish to add. If usage is charged with the service a usage Identifiers option will appear requiring you to enter the identifier that relates to the service being added
Click Add and repeat the steps above if you wish to add additional optional services or add-on packages to the package
Editing Services:
While in summary view click on the name of the service or the
icon to the right of the service.
At the service detail level click on the
icon to edit the service settings
On the Edit Account Service modal you can modify the usage identifier (if the service is usage based), custom field values on the account-service (if any) and adjust the service status (e.g. suspend/cancel the service). Editing the fields on the top row of the Edit Account Service pop-up will adjust account-service settings immediately. If you wish to adjust account-service settings at a future date (e.g. cancel an account-service at the end of the month) enter your changes in the Upcoming Change section. Any billing related events triggered by account-service status changes such as applying prorated charges/credits (e.g. if you set a service to a canceled status) will not take place until the account-package is billed
Usage buckets on usage based account-services can also be modified. When editing a usage based service click the
icon next to the service name to display buckets setup under the service. To edit bucket settings click the
icon and a modal will load with bucket settings
Click Update when you are done modifying the service
Deleting Optional Services in the Package:
Note: services can only be deleted if they remain at or above the ‘Minimum Instances’ configured on the service within the package in the product catalog. If the minimum instances value already matches the amount of the particular service on the account-package, then thebutton to remove the service will be greyed out
While in Summary view Click on the name of the service or the
icon to the right of the service
At the service detail level click on the
icon and then the
icon to mark the service for deletion
When you Save the package the services marked for deletion will be deleted
Once the package is fully configured click Save
Info |
Note: You cannot set a cancelation date to a date that has already been billed. Note: If you need to cancel multiple account-packages see the 'Bulk Operations/Transferring/Canceling Multiple Account Packages' guide. |
Select the account-package you wish to cancel in the list on the left under the Account Packages heading
On the right under the Edit Account Packages heading enter a date in the Effective Cancel Date field
Click Save and the package will be canceled when billing occurs and the Effective Cancel Date falls within the period being billed (Bill Period Start - Bill Period End)