Info |
Contract Status Types are configured in Setup / Product Catalog / Contracts / Status Type |
In this article:
Account contract status types allow you to define statuses for the states that you desire contracts to be in. These statuses may be as simple as 'active' or 'terminated' or represent a broader series of statuses such as 'pre-active', 'renewed', 'expired', 'terminated early', etc. The statuses you create here will be selectable when configuring account contracts (located on the Account > Profile > Contracts screen).
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected status type. From here you can change status type details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
The References tab indicates where status types are used in the system. The default view will provide a summary, counting up the entities that contain the status type you are currently editing (e.g. the status type is in use on three Account Contracts). To get more detail into the exact entities the type is on you can click on the Entity field and then select the desired entity type.
Adding Status Types
Under the Account Contract Status Types heading on the left click the
Under the Add Account Contract Status Type heading on the right enter the status type details
Click Save
Editing Status Types
Under the Account Contract Status Types heading on the left click the status type you wish to edit
Under the Edit Account Contract Status Type heading on the right modify the status type details
Click Save when finished making changes
Deleting Status Types
Info |
Note: Status types that are configured on account contracts are in use and cannot be deleted. In order to delete a status type in use, first determine which contracts are configured with the type using the 'References' tab and then edit those contracts to use an alternate status type. |
Select the status type you wish to delete in the list on the left under the Account Contract Status Types heading
Under the Account Contract Status Types heading click the
On the confirmation dialog click Yes to confirm that the selected status type should be deleted