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Bill Groups are configured in Setup / Finance / Billing / Bill Group


A customer's bill group is selected when a new customer account is created. The bill group that is specified on existing accounts can be changed, however accounts which are not invoiced for subscription and usage charges will have the bill group option greyed out (the bill group settings of the account(s) accounts being invoiced, a.k.a. the ‘invoicer’ will be used in this scenario).


  • An invoice delivery configuration needs to be defined before bill groups can be setup


The information in this panel reflects the currently selected bill group. From here you can change bill group details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).


Note: Fields shown listed below with an asterisk indicate that the setting is the default value for new accounts setup under the bill group. Modifying these settings will not affect existing accounts under the bill group. Accounts are free to deviate from these default bill group settings (e.g. if the bill group's bill day is '1' the bill day for accounts under the bill group can be changed to a value other than '1'). Changing the value of settings that are not marked with an asterisk will update those settings on existing accounts setup under the bill group.

Bill Group Fields:

  • Name: a unique and descriptive name for the bill group

  • Bill Day*: sets the default bill day for accounts. The bill day can be any number between 1 and 28. If this field is left empty the bill day of accounts created under this bill group will be the day that the account is created

  • Usage Bill Day*: sets the default day usage will be billed for accounts. The usage bill day can be any number between 1 and 28. If this field is left empty the usage bill day for accounts created under this bill group will be the day the account is created

  • Invoice Delivery*: specifies the invoice delivery settings to use. Delivery settings determine how the invoice is sent (e.g. emailed as a pdf attachment) and the invoice template to use (invoice branding, layout and content)

  • Invoice Render Threshold Amount: keeps the invoice from being generated until the total invoice charges meet or exceed the value specified in this field

  • Invoice Due Date Based On: used in conjunction with payment terms to set the due date on invoices

    • Account Bill Date: uses the most recent account bill date along with the payment terms configuration with payment terms configured on the account to determine the invoice due date. For instance, if the account's bill day is March 1st and the payment terms configuration is set to Net 20, then the invoice due date will be set to March 21st

    • Invoice Render Date: uses the day the invoice is rendered and the payment the account’s payment terms configuration to set the invoice due date. For instance, if the invoice is rendered on April 5th and payment terms are set to 'On Due Date' then the invoice due date is April 5th

  • Invoice Date Based On: allows you to configure when the invoice date is set

    • Invoice Render Date: the invoice date will be set to the date that the invoice is generated

    • Account Bill Day: the invoice date will be based on the bill day of the account. the 'Account Bill Day Option' field described below defines which period is used when setting the invoice date

      • Account Bill Day Option: this option is only applicable when the 'Invoice Date Based On' field is set to 'Account Bill Day'. This field lets you define the period the invoice date will be set to. E.g. if this value is set to 'Previous MonthPeriod' and in October an account with a bill day of the 1st has an invoice generated, then the invoice date will be set to 'September 1st


Bill groups need to be connected to one or more bill runs in more bill runs in order to bill the accounts that are in the bill group. Bill runs determine when billing executes, what is billed (recurring subscription charges, usage charges, etc.) and if an invoice is invoices are rendered and delivered amongst other options.

Accounts tab

This tab shows lists the accounts that are setup under the bill group. The 'Filter ‘Filter Accounts' field here allows you locate specific accounts under the bill group. An option to exclude accounts from being billed is also available here, in the event you do not wish to bill some accounts under the bill group when a bill run is executed.