Info |
Contract Commitments are configured in Account / Profile / Contracts |
Account contracts do not place specific account-packages under a contract, they simply set commitments that need to be met for the specified account. If you want to place individual account-packages under contracts you can do so on the Account > / Profile > / Packages screen. Account contracts are fully compatible with package contracts and both types can be in used on an account simultaneously if desired.
Account contract commitments are evaluated when billing an account. The bill run that is executed when billing the account must have the 'Run Contract Commitments' setting enabled in order to evaluate contract commitments.
The information in this panel reflects the currently selected account contract. From here you can change contract details (fields will display a red left border if a value is required and purple text if the field is read-only and cannot be modified).
Transaction Service (for Flat Fees): allows you to type in the service that will be associated with the transaction when flat fee termination charges are applied. Typically you would have a 'Contract Termination Fee' or similar service in your product catalog to enter here
Transaction Description: a brief summary of what the transaction charge is. This will be shown when reviewing transactions on the Account > / Billing > / Transactions tab